Questions? : vRBT/ABT Slack:
Operating System for Developer Host/Workstation
- I used Windows 11 64-bit (I created a new Windows VM to have a clean environment and to make use of snapshots if needed)
- I created a local Windows user named
, if you have a different user name then be aware you will need to change the local home directory paths in the following steps to reflect your username. Ex: C:\Users\{username}
- Download and Install JDK 17 (vRBT will not work with v19!)
- Open a Command Prompt and set the
environment variable and add Java bin to the path:
setx JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.5"
setx PATH "%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin"
- Download Maven 3.8.6
- Extract all files to desired location (I used
) - Add the Maven ‘bin’ folder to the path (adjust the path to be where you extracted the maven files):
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\User1\Documents\Dev\apache-maven-3.8.6\bin"
- Close the existing Command Prompt and open a new Command Prompt (for the new Path to take effect)
- Run
at the Command Prompt, this will test the path is working
mvn -v
vRBT Repository
- Download vRBT 2.26.4
- Unzip files to desired location (I used
- Download NodeJS 18.12.1
- Install, check the box to install NPM compile tools (not sure if this is needed for vRBT but I always choose this option)
Create Keystore for vRO package signing
- Open a Command Prompt and run the following commands
keytool -keystore archetype.keystore -genkey -alias dunesrsa_alias -storepass 'VMware1!' -keyalg RSA
keytool -delete -alias dunesrsa_alias -storepass 'VMware1!' -keystore archetype.keystore
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -alias dunesrsa_alias -keystore archetype.keystore -storepass 'VMware1!' -validity 3650 -dname "CN=Project,OU=Department,O=Company,L=City,ST=State,C=XX,emailAddress=administrator@vsphere.local"
- In Windows Explorer, right click the newly created
and chooseCompress to ZIP file
. Name the new zip
Configure Artifactory
- Go to the following article to complete the Artifactory setup.
Generate the Private Key and Certificate for vRO Package Signing
- Download and Install Git Bash
- Open the Git Bash Terminal
- Run the following commands:
openssl genpkey -out private_key.pem -algorithm RSA
openssl req -new -key private_key.pem -out csr.csr
openssl req -x509 -days 999 -key private_key.pem -in csr.csr -out cert.pem
- In File Explorer, copy the new
from the Home Folder (C:\Users\User1
) to desired location (I usedC:\Users\User1\Documents\Dev\certs\
Create Maven Settings.xml
- Create the Settings.xml in the
folder - Replace the file paths with the ones that match your environment
- Replace the Artifactory and vRA/vRO host names
- Replace credentials as needed
- You can use this file as an example (for insecure lab use only):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
<!--Environment identifier. Multiple environments are allowed by configuring multiple profiles -->
<!--vRO Connection-->
<vro.username>vmware@System Domain</vro.username> <!--NOT RECOMMENDED USE vro.serverId and encrypted credentials-->
<vro.password>VMware1!</vro.password> <!--NOT RECOMMENDED USE vro.serverId and encrypted credentials-->
<vro.auth>vra</vro.auth> <!-- {basic|vra} If "basic" is selected here, ensure com.vmware.o11n.sso.basic-authentication.enabled=true System Property is set in vRO -->
<vro.authHost></vro.authHost> <!-- Required for external vRO instances when vra auth is used -->
<vro.authPort>443</vro.authPort> <!-- Required for external vRO instances when vra auth is used -->
<!--vRA Connection-->
<vra.username>vmware</vra.username> <!--NOT RECOMMENDED USE vra.serverId and encrypted credentials-->
<vra.password>VMware1!</vra.password> <!--NOT RECOMMENDED USE vra.serverId and encrypted credentials-->
Trust Artifactory Certificate (Optional, for self-signed Artifactory certificate only)
- Prerequisite Step: Install Artifactory and configure self signed certificate using the Artifactory post.
Method 1: Use Git Bash
to download the self-signed certificate
- Open the Git Bash Terminal
- Execute the following (change the artifactory FQDN to match your server):
echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername server -connect > artifactory-cert.pem
- Copy the certificate from the Home folder
Method 2: Use Edge to download the self-signed certificate
- Launch your Artifactory URL in the Edge Browser
- To the left of the FQDN, click
Not secure
- Click
Your connection to this site isn't secure
, then click the certificate icon (looks like a diploma) - Select the
tab, then theExport
button. Save the certificate asBase64-encoded
PEM type namedartifactory-cert.pem
to C:\Users\User1\Documents\Dev\certs\
Install the certificate into your workstations local keystore
- Open a Command Prompt as Administrator
- Navigate to the folder where you saved the Artifactory certificate
- Run the following command:
setx /M JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.5"
keytool -trustcacerts -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -importcert -alias artifactory -file artifactory-cert.pem
Generate an Archetype (Project Template)
- Open a Command Prompt or Powershell Terminal
- Create a projects folder (I used C:\Users\User1\Documents\Dev\projects)
- Navigate to the projects folder
- Run the following command:
mvn archetype:generate
- You will be presented with a list of available Archetypes
- choose “com.vmware.pscoe.o11n.archetypes:package-actions-archetype (package-actions-archetype)”
- Enter
. Ex:com.mycompany.test
- Enter
. Ex:myTestAction
- Hit Enter to accept default value for
- Review settings and press Y if correct
- A project template has now been created with some sample values
Test the new Project
- Change directory to the newly created project folder (In my case: C:\Users\User1\Documents\Dev\projects\myTestAction)
- Run a Maven command to test your environment
Deploy Package to vRO
mvn clean package vrealize:push -P corp-dev
This is just the basics to get a functional vRBT workstation configured. There is a lot more functionality in vRBT than just deploying a vRO package as demonstrated. Of course, for a production environment you would not want to use self-signed certs, clear text passwords, or disabled certification checking. Again, this is just the bare minimum needed to start learning and using vRBT in a home/lab environment.
Useful Links
- Available vRO Project Archetypes
- Available vRA Project Archetypes
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